
Spousal Maintenance Questionnaire

Spousal Maintenance Questionnaire

(For the spouse requesting spousal maintenance)

  1. How many years have you been married?  ____________________
  2. Are you presently employed?  ____________________
    1. If yes, where?   ____________________

How long have you been employed there?  ____________________

What is your rate of pay?  ____________________

What education was necessary for you to acquire that position?  ____________________

  1. If no, where were you previously employed?  ____________________

How long were you employed there?  ____________________

What was your rate of pay?   ____________________

What education was necessary for you to acquire that position?   ____________________

  1. List your last three (3) jobs prior to your current position:

Employer:   ____________________

Dates of employment:     ____________________

Rate of pay:   ____________________

What education was necessary for you to acquire that position?   ____________________


Employer:   ____________________

Dates of  employment:     ____________________

Rate of pay:     ____________________

What education was necessary for you to acquire that position?   ____________________


Employer:   ____________________

Dates of employment:     ____________________

Rate of pay:     ____________________

What education was necessary for you to acquire that position?   ____________________


  1. Have you been employed outside the home during the majority of your marriage?   ____________________

If no, what dates during your marriage have you not been employed outside the home?____________________________________________________________

What did you do while not working outside the home ____________________

  1. Do you have any minor children?   ____________________  If yes, how old are they?   ____________________
  2. Do you have any children with special needs?   ____________________
  3. Did you and your spouse agree for you to stop work to take care of the children?  ____________________________
  4. What was the level of education that you had attained at the time of your marriage?   ____________________
  5. What is your current level of education?   ____________________
  6. What job skills, training, or experience did you have at the time of your marriage?   ____________________
  7. What job skills, training, or experience do you have now?   ____________________
  8. What is your usual occupation?   ____________________
  9. What will be your monthly income at the time of separation?   ____________________
  10. What will be your monthly expenses at the time of separation? (See your completed Affidavit of Financial Information (AFI).)   ____________________
  11. What will be the value of your half of the community property (cash, investments, retirement, house equity) at the time of separation?    ____________________
  12. How long would it take you to achieve the education or skills necessary to be able to individually attain the income that you need to pay your monthly expenses?   ____________________
  13. Did your spouse attend any special schools or training during the marriage?   ____________________
  14. Did you sacrifice any career opportunities in order to allow your spouse to   attend school or achieve success in their occupation?   ____________________
  15. Do you feel you will be able to be self-sufficient after the divorce?   ____________________
  16. Do you anticipate any unusual expenses or circumstances in the near future that may affect your ability to become self-supporting?   ____________________
  17. Do you have any pre-marital agreement or post-marital agreement?   ____________________
  18. If yes, what are the details regarding spousal maintenance?   ____________________
  19. Do     you     think     you     should     be     awarded     spousal     maintenance?   ____________________
  20. If yes, how much?   ____________________
  21.  For how many months or years?   ____________________
  22. What is your spouse’s income?   ____________________

Other:   ____________________

Next: Frequently Asked Questions

How is spousal maintenance paid? It can be paid directly from one spouse to the other. Both parties should keep very accurate records of the payments. The court may order the payments to be made through the clearinghouse, administered by the state of Arizona. They keep track of payments for you. Failure to pay is...

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