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Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer.

~Robert Louis Stevenson

Best Law Firm provides mediation and alternative dispute resolution services to parties involved in a family law matter, such as a divorce, parenting time disputes or changes to child support.

Family law mediation is a method of resolving issues and disputes during the difficult time of divorce by talking with a mediator to resolve your disagreements. Mediation is conducted in a relaxed, comfortable office atmosphere with the mediator and the parties. Family law mediation can also be used to help persons with other legal family issues, such as separation, child decision-making, child support, post-decree modifications, disputes about parenting issues after a divorce, domestic partnership issues with children and property, and unmarried persons issues with children and property. There are myriad issues and problems that may confront people when they are attempting to navigate the emotional terrain of family law.

Mediation with Best Law Firm is designed to be a win-win solution for the parties involved. Parties do not require a retained attorney to represent their interests, but outside counsel is not discouraged. It is recommended that an attorney review any final legal documents before they are signed or filed with the court.

In addition to conducting the mediation, Best Law Firm can complete your family law matter by drafting all the necessary documents to be submitted to the court. We can draft a memorandum of understanding to memorialize the parties’ agreements, draft the petition and supporting documents to initiate your case in the court and draft and file the consent decree, parenting plan and property settlement agreement to finalize your case.