
Overview of Required Documents

Overview of Required Documents

The following is a summary of this chapter. “Required” means that the corresponding document needs to be filled out and filed with the initial petition.

Document Name Dissolution

without minor children


with minor children


Separation without minor children


Separation with minor children

Family Court Cover Sheet / Sensitive Data Sheet Required Required Required Required
Summons Required Required Required Required
Preliminary Injunction Required Required Required Required
Petition Required Required Required Required
Notice of Your Rights

about Health Insurance Coverage

Required Required Not required Not required
Notice Regarding Creditors Required Required Required Required
Affidavit of Minor Children Not required Required Not required Required
Parent Information Class Not required Required Not required Required

Documents for Dissolution Without Minor Children

To file for dissolution of marriage without minor children the following documents need to be completed:

  1. Family court cover sheet/Sensitive Data Sheet;
  2. Summons;
  3. Preliminary Injunction;
  4. Petition for Dissolution without Minor Children;
  5. Notice of Your Rights about Health Insurance Coverage; and
  6. Notice Regarding Creditors.

Documents for Dissolution With Minor Children

To file for dissolution of marriage with minor children the following documents need to be completed:

  1. Family court cover sheet/Sensitive data sheet;
  2. Summons;
  3. Preliminary Injunction;
  4. Petition for Dissolution with Minor Children;
  5. Notice of Your Rights about Health Insurance Coverage;
  6. Notice Regarding Creditors;
  7. Parent Information Class; and
  8. Affidavit Regarding Minor Children.

Documents for Legal Separation Without Minor Children

To file for a legal separation without minor children the following documents need to be completed:

  1. Family court cover sheet/Sensitive data sheet;
  2. Summons;
  3. Preliminary Injunction;
  4. Petition for Legal Separation without Minor Children; and
  5. Notice Regarding Creditors.

Documents for Legal Separation With Minor Children

To file for a legal separation with minor children the following documents need to be completed:

  1. Family court cover sheet/Sensitive data sheet;
  2. Summons;
  3. Preliminary Injunction;
  4. Petition for Dissolution with Minor Children;
  5. Notice Regarding Creditors;
  6. Parent Information Class; and
  7. Affidavit Regarding Minor Children.
Next: The Individual Documents

Each of these documents has a significant meaning for the courts and for you. Below is a list of the forms and their purpose. Family Court/Sensitive Data Coversheet This form helps the courts set up your file in their computer system. It should be the top form you present to the clerk when you file...

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