Individuals often come to us after trying to manage their case on their own or after experiencing a court disaster. Don’t let that happen to you because some mistakes can be very difficult and very expensive to fix. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you can handle your legal issues all on your own. There are plenty of websites that offer do-it-yourself forms and they try to make legal matters seem simple. Unfortunately, family law can be complex and not knowing all of the Arizona Family Law Rules and Procedures can have detrimental consequences. Even if you want to handle your matter on your own, consult with an attorney first and be confident that you understand the process and the law.
A one-hour consultation with an attorney is $100. During this consultation you will receive legal advice, learn about your options and we will help you create a game plan going forward. If you look at the big picture $100 for a consultation is the best money you can spend.
Unfortunately we do not offer free consultations. Information discussed during a consultation is sensitive by nature. Any legal advice we provide must adhere to the Arizona Family Law Rules and Procedures. As such, to protect your privacy and our duty to you, we charge a fee for our time and expertise.
We only practice family law. Within the family law realm we offer services for divorce, legal separation, child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, relocation, father’s rights, third-party rights, domestic violence and modifications.
We can conduct your consultation by phone, zoom or in person. Call us today at (480) 219-2433 or fill out the form below.