At Best Law Firm, we charge for an initial consultation to meet a new potential client. We charge $100. Why do we charge for this? Abraham Lincoln once said that “a lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.” At this initial meeting, we listen to the client and then use our experience to help the client move forward. We spend the time necessary to understand what is going on and answer questions. We have been there, or seen it, or been part of the solution in hundreds of similar cases. We believe that we provide value for this hour of legal time to every client that we meet. We look for resolutions and solutions. We do not pass judgment. These problems and issues are universal. We have seen them before and we can help. You will feel better and less anxious when you have answers and a pathway to move forward.
We can conduct your consultation by phone, zoom or in person. Call us today at (480) 219-2433 or fill out the form below.