You and your former spouse cannot agree where your child is going to go to school. One of you wants to jump into court and get this resolved. No no no. This is no longer happening and will not work that way with the court. I once had a judge ask parents in a courtroom, “How did you make these decisions before you got your divorce?” He followed up and said, “Make the decisions similar now. And, additionally, the court will no longer help make these decisions.” So, there is no reason to go to court. Work it out. Bring in a friend, talk to teachers, make it not a power struggle, chat with other professionals, discuss with friends. But do not let other people or expect the courts to step in and help you. Figure it out. They are your children. You should be the best person to make good decisions for your children. Be practical. Be reasonable. Flip a coin. Have a draft and take turns making decisions, Figure out the school reputation, distance to travel, desire of your child, friends of your child, success of your child where ever they will be going, extra-curricular activities. Your child will thank you.
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