Agreements on child support: Can my spouse and I agree on a child support amount that is different from the statutory calculation? The Court can permit the parties to settle on an amount of child support that is different from the statutory calculation. In order to do so, however, both parties must sign a statement…
Who Pays Child Support? Using the above-described factors, the Child Support Worksheet and the court will be able to determine which parent (if either) should pay child support. The law provides that when the court grants a custody order, it also must decide what amount of child support should be paid by each parent under…
Child support can be easily calculated under the Arizona Child Support Guidelines after several other variables have been determined. Specifically, the following information is required to calculate child support: 1. Each parent’s monthly gross income Gross income includes: receipt of spousal maintenance, Social Security, workman?s compensation, severance pay, commissions, disability benefits, unemployment benefits, retirement plans,…
Family law mediation is a method of resolving issues and disputes during the difficult time of divorce by talking with a mediator to resolve your disagreements. Mediation is conducted in a relaxed, comfortable office atmosphere with the mediator and the parties. Family law mediation can also be used to help persons with other legal family…
One parent will be required to maintain health insurance for the children, and it there are any medical/dental/vision/orthodontia expenses not covered by insurance, the parties will often divide those expenses in proportion to their incomes.
Child support is modifiable if there is a change in circumstances that would result in a fifteen (15) percent change in the support amount; moreover, the support terminates upon the emancipation of the child. In Arizona, emancipation occurs at age 18 or high school graduation, whichever occurs later, but not later than age 19.
If an obligated parent does not pay child support, you may file a Petition to Enforce Child Support, Child Support Arrears and Medical Expense Reimbursement. Often, all three of those issues go together. It makes sense to include those three issues in one petition, because if the obligated parent is not paying child support, you…
Yes, you are under a court order to continue to pay child support. If the unfortunate circumstance occurs and a parent does not have employment, it may be necessary for that parent to request that the court modify the child support obligation to reflect the current situation.
Yes, you can enforce the out-of-state child support order. It will be necessary for you to register the out-of-state child support order with the Arizona courts, so that Arizona has jurisdiction and you have an Arizona case number. To “register” your case means that you will need a certified copy of your domestic relations file…
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