Once the Petition is filed and the opposing party is properly served, the clock begins to run on the time for filing a Response. Presently in Arizona, a responsive pleading must be made within twenty (20) days of service of the initial pleading if the Respondent was served in the state of Arizona, and within thirty (30) days of service of the initial pleading if the Respondent was served out of the State of Arizona.
The Response will follow and track the statements or allegations made in the Petition, admitting truths and denying false statements or those in dispute. Filing a Response to a Petition for Dissolution or Petition for Legal Separation is important, as a court can and may enter a default against the Respondent if he or she fails to timely answer the Petition, potentially awarding the opposing party everything he or she requested in their Petition, possibly including his or her fees and costs.[1]
Other Tips and Notes:
[1] Cynthia L. Best and Tali E. Collins, The Divorce Coach: Your Guide to Arizona Divorce. 152. 2nd ed. 2015.
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