An Order of Protection is a very serious matter. The purpose is to protect victims of domestic violence from any further abuse. A person can go to court to obtain one and have a hearing in front of a judge. If the alleged perpetrator wants to object to the OOP, they can call and get a hearing. If they have been excluded from the home, they have a right to a hearing within 10 days. If there are children involved, it is a mess. Children need to be protected. Children should not be in the middle of a domestic violence scenario. Parents should not scream at each other when they are drunk, especially in front of their kids. If you have found yourself on either side of this scenario, you should consider getting legal advice but you should also consider counseling so you can consider improving your conduct. Better conduct and less drinking might help your situation. It might be considered someone else’s fault; but you are in the relationship and you might need help looking inward in order to begin a better life.
We can conduct your consultation by phone, zoom or in person. Call us today at (480) 219-2433 or fill out the form below.